It has become a tradition (cue the Fiddler on the Roof theme!) for my mother and I to hit Brimfield twice a year- once in spring, and once in the fall. Brimfield is a town in Massachusetts that becomes the antique mecca of the US three times a year. The town is overtaken by a baffling quantity of antiques dealers from all over the country, selling every possible thing ever made. That is what I like most about it. While I may be seeking certain things for my various collections, mostly I like to take pictures of the oddities that I never expected to see. And so, I share them with you! I hope you appreciate the old and odd, too!
Who you lookin’ at, punk?
I didn’t expect to see Harrison Ford, for example.
Harrison and Mom, together at last!
Early Christmas!
Are they live, or are they cooked?
Here you can see a set of the original, deadly steel-tipped Jarts, along with a painting of…questionable content.
What is going on in that painting?
I can’t buy everything, but IF I could, this would be amongst the purchases:
You can never have too many wooden bunny carts, I always say.
Here’s another one of those “Wha???” kind of items. They are plaster wall hangings depicting… human peas?
OH, the humanity!
These make me want to be a chocolatier, so I would have an excuse to own them all!
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