Studio progress

Well, for those of you following along, we have made some significant progress on our studio overhaul. This once barren storage room is now “almost” livable! We agreed on a color (light greeny blue), and managed to paint the whole darn thing without killing ourselves (there were more than a few awkward ladder moments). Not shown here is the floor treatment, which we just finished today- a nice, flecked epoxy finish, usually found in garages. The good thing about that is that our floor can withstand the equivalent abuse of cars being parked on it- should be able to withstand anything Eric and I and the kids can dish out! Maybe the next pictures will actually show us working in here- I can’t wait, it’s been nuts with our supplies scattered around the house!

3 comments on “Studio progress

  • on Monday, August 14, 2006 at 10:00 pm, *jenny said:

    That will make a wonderful workspace! What amazing light it gets from those windows!

  • on Monday, August 14, 2006 at 10:13 pm, Liz said:

    Yeah, Jenny- it’s all about the light! Our current, 3rd-floor studio is lightless by comparison- not so good for art!

  • on Wednesday, August 16, 2006 at 3:23 pm, Janee said:

    I love that you’re going to have a door to the outside in your studio. That would make life with dogs so much easier!

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