A Blizzard of Books!

OK, so, it’s merely snowing today, and my author copies don’t exactly amount to a “blizzard”. But they finally are here!

Real, printed copies of What Does A Seed Need?

They look nice when stacked neatly…

OR, when you toss them up in the air and let them land on a blue Snuggie™!

Inside, you’ll find flap, tabs and pop-ups designed for preschoolers. I adore books for this age group! Little discoveries on every page.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me with their enthusiasm upon it’s release!

Piggy New Year!

Well, what do you know? It turned into another year! As I was poking around looking at vintage images, I found a bunch of New Year pig images:

Pigs. For New Year. Hmmm.

It appears to have been an all-Europe phenomenon, imported to the US.

I am surprised I never noticed this ‘gluckschwein’ (lucky pig) imagery in conjunction with the New Year before.

By luck, I happen to have a pig book coming out early in this New Year- in a mere 17 days! This is what my little pig guy looks like.

With maybe just a little more luck, it will be discovered and enjoyed by actual kids.
Happy New Year everyone! Oink!