Thanks for the Meme-ories

My lovely critique group pal Kim tagged me for the 8 Things meme recently- and I am finally doing it! I am suposed to list 8 habits/facts about me, then tag 8 others to do the same at the end of the post. Here goes:

1. Almost everything in my house is handmade, reused, reconfigured from parts, or just plain old.

It’s more interesting that way. The studio does have a lot IKEA in it though (for practical puposes).

2. I love bagpipes. The louder the better!

Bombardes and binious rock, too.

3. On a similar note, I love pennywhistles.

I have at least 10 of them; I can play a few tunes on them, too.

4. I usually read at least 3 books at once. Which one I read on any given day depends on my mood du jour.

5. Even though I write for children, almost everything I read “for fun” is nonfiction. Here is a current selection of books pulled from my nightstand:

Yeah, Tasha Tudor and Adam Ant are two of my favorite artists- there are even some interesting similarities between them! Related to #4 above, I am currently reading The Tipping Point, Omnivore’s Dilemma, and Don’t Eat This Book. I haven’t started the WalMart one yet.

6. I don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t take drugs, and never have.

They don’t interest me. It’s not easy finding other adults with this philosophy!

7. I am not particularly girly, and the only jewelry I wear is made out of seed, wooden, stone, or shell beads. Maybe a little silver thown in. I have at least 100 seed bead necklace variations that I have made myself. One for every possible occasion!

I’ve been making them since I was a pre-teen.

8. I luv compost!

That’s a THREE-BINNER, baby! Handmade by the talented Eric.
Alas, the bins are currently empty- the compost is doing it’s job in the garden now. But we’re starting a new batch.

OK, so now I am suposed to harrass 8 more people into participating- and I am going to gang-tag the PBI group.
I challenge you all!
Post on the PBI blog!

8 comments on “Thanks for the Meme-ories

  • on Saturday, June 23, 2007 at 10:40 am, roz said:

    I love composting too. You know it’s bad when you get excited to find worms to help with the work.

  • on Sunday, June 24, 2007 at 2:46 pm, Liz said:

    Ohhhhhh, the worms…you should SEE the worms we get! Beautiful, giant ones!

  • on Monday, June 25, 2007 at 6:23 am, Kim Norman said:

    Thanks for stopping by my party, Liz! I’m a compost queen, too, only ours is just a big pile on the side of our property. Has saved me a lot of money over the years, whenever I need to amend poor soil around my property.

    I also have a secret instrument I play: the harmonica. I rock on Oh Susannah!


  • on Monday, June 25, 2007 at 8:19 am, Liz said:

    OH, NO KIM- there’s another fine “talent” we have in common! I didn’t mention the harmonicas, but I have a bunch of those too. One of these days- we will knock off “Oh, Susannah” on the harmonica, and follow it up with “Ya Got Trouble” from Music Man. Won’t the people be amazed!

  • on Friday, July 13, 2007 at 4:58 pm, TriangleQueen22 said:

    BAGPIPES ROCK!!! But it takes up too much air to play them. Sigh.

  • on Friday, July 13, 2007 at 5:40 pm, TriangleQueen22 said:

    Uh oh, there’s a typo! You put “suposed”. It’s “supposed”.

  • on Friday, July 13, 2007 at 5:45 pm, Liz said:

    Just to drive you mental TriangleQueen, I am keeping the typo IN!

  • on Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 3:29 pm, susan said:

    Love those bagpipes!

    I too like to read several books at once. But mine are all over the place so I can pick one up when I have a free moment.

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