My lovely critique group pal Kim tagged me for the 8 Things meme recently- and I am finally doing it! I am suposed to list 8 habits/facts about me, then tag 8 others to do the same at the end of the post. Here goes:
1. Almost everything in my house is handmade, reused, reconfigured from parts, or just plain old.
It’s more interesting that way. The studio does have a lot IKEA in it though (for practical puposes).
2. I love bagpipes. The louder the better!
Bombardes and binious rock, too.
3. On a similar note, I love pennywhistles.
I have at least 10 of them; I can play a few tunes on them, too.
4. I usually read at least 3 books at once. Which one I read on any given day depends on my mood du jour.
5. Even though I write for children, almost everything I read “for fun” is nonfiction. Here is a current selection of books pulled from my nightstand:
Yeah, Tasha Tudor and Adam Ant are two of my favorite artists- there are even some interesting similarities between them! Related to #4 above, I am currently reading The Tipping Point, Omnivore’s Dilemma, and Don’t Eat This Book. I haven’t started the WalMart one yet.
6. I don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t take drugs, and never have.
They don’t interest me. It’s not easy finding other adults with this philosophy!
7. I am not particularly girly, and the only jewelry I wear is made out of seed, wooden, stone, or shell beads. Maybe a little silver thown in. I have at least 100 seed bead necklace variations that I have made myself. One for every possible occasion!
I’ve been making them since I was a pre-teen.
8. I luv compost!
That’s a THREE-BINNER, baby! Handmade by the talented Eric.
Alas, the bins are currently empty- the compost is doing it’s job in the garden now. But we’re starting a new batch.
OK, so now I am suposed to harrass 8 more people into participating- and I am going to gang-tag the PBI group.
I challenge you all!
Post on the PBI blog!
I love composting too. You know it’s bad when you get excited to find worms to help with the work.
Ohhhhhh, the worms…you should SEE the worms we get! Beautiful, giant ones!
Thanks for stopping by my party, Liz! I’m a compost queen, too, only ours is just a big pile on the side of our property. Has saved me a lot of money over the years, whenever I need to amend poor soil around my property.
I also have a secret instrument I play: the harmonica. I rock on Oh Susannah!
OH, NO KIM- there’s another fine “talent” we have in common! I didn’t mention the harmonicas, but I have a bunch of those too. One of these days- we will knock off “Oh, Susannah” on the harmonica, and follow it up with “Ya Got Trouble” from Music Man. Won’t the people be amazed!
BAGPIPES ROCK!!! But it takes up too much air to play them. Sigh.
Uh oh, there’s a typo! You put “suposed”. It’s “supposed”.
Just to drive you mental TriangleQueen, I am keeping the typo IN!
Love those bagpipes!
I too like to read several books at once. But mine are all over the place so I can pick one up when I have a free moment.